COSMA has a number of GPU systems, which are available for use. These are:
Direct login (from a login node)
gn001: 10x NVIDIA V100 GPUs
login8b: 0-3x NVIDIA A100 GPUs (login node)
gn002: NVIDIA Grace-Hopper (ARM) system
gi003: 2x Intel Ponte Vecchio GPUs
ga007: 8x AMD MI300 GPUs
cosma8-shm Slurm partition
mad04: 0-3x NVIDIA A100 GPUs (4TB RAM)
mad05: 0-3x NVIDIA A100 GPUs (4TB RAM)
mad06: 0-3x NVIDIA A100 GPUs (1TB RAM)
cosma8-shm2 Slurm partition
ga004: 1x AMD MI100 GPU
ga005: 2x AMD MI200 GPUs
ga006: 2x AMD MI200 GPUs
dine2 Slurm partition
gc[001-008]: 0-8x NVIDIA A30 GPUs
gracehopper Slurm partition
gn003: NVIDIA Grace-Hopper (ARM) system
ga003: 6x AMD MI50 GPUs
Project codes
To use the GPUs, please sign up to the following project codes in SAFE:
do015: dine2 partition
do016: NVIDIA Grace Hopper GPUs, cosma8-shm partition
do017: Intel GPUs
do018: AMD GPUs
Using the composable A100 GPUs
We have 3 NVIDIA A100 (40GB) GPUs, which can be moved (by software, in seconds, in theory!) between login8b, mad04, mad05 and mad06, hence the variable number above. If you have a particular requirement, please contact cosma-support. The default configuration is one GPU each in 2 of the 3 nodes (mad04,05,06) and one on the login node (login8b). These GPUs are part of a composible PCIe fabric using a Liqid infrastructure funded as part of ExCALIBUR. It is a good idea to add the nvidia-smi
command to your batch script so that you can check that the GPUs are present.
You can use the --include
or --exclude
SLURM parameters within your batch script to specify particular nodes. Or alternatively, to be given a node with a GPU (within the composable partition), you can use #SBATCH --constraint=gpu
GPU notes
For nodes not assigned to queues (login8b, gn001, ga007), please be aware that these are shared resources and that other people may be using (or may wish to use) them.
To use some of these GPUs, you will need to be in the “video” or “render” groups (use the id
command to check which groups you are in). If you are not in it, but need to be, please ask.
To check that you have the correct permissions to submit to a partition, you can use the scontrol show partition=PARTITION_NAME
command to see which groups are allow to submit to that partition.
The DINE2 GPU system is a composable system with up to 8 A30 GPUs per node. Currently these are static (i.e. if you require a specific GPU configuration, please ask), but eventually we hope to make it dynamic (i.e. to be able to ask Slurm to compose a system). In total, there are 8 GPUs, and these can be composed in any configuration to the 8 servers.
Each server has dual 32-core Sapphire Rapids CPUs and 2TB RAM.
To use these nodes, submit jobs to the dine2 partition.
The Grace-Hopper nodes are currently available for direct ssh from a login node (gn002). ga003 is available in a Slurm queue, gracehopper.
Note, the Grace CPU has an ARM architecture, and therefore X86 binaries will not run. The NVIDIA and GCC compilers are available.
Ponte Vecchio
The Intel Ponte Vecchio node (donated by Intel) is available for direct ssh from a login node (gi001).
OneAPI is available using the intel_comp modules, e.g. module load intel_comp
(or module load oneAPI
The MI300X node has 8x GPUs, and is available for direct ssh from a login node (ga007). It will eventually be put into a slurm queue.
The AMD ROCm software stack is installed.
Any codes currently using CUDA will need to be HIP-ified by running the hipify script provided as part of ROCm. Fine tuning may be necessary to optimise performance.
There will be a DiRAC hackathon in April 2025 focussed on AMD GPUs, which will be very relevant to any users of this system.