Present: Alastair Basden, David Acreman, Ben Rogers, Tom De Vuyst, Stephen Longshaw, Edo Altamura, Marion Weinrielrl, Peter Draper, Matthieu Schaller   - General updates Situation with the contract - Richard spoke about an official extension. AGB: Chase Katie/Matthieu - email Richard to chase this - needs signing by Leiden. Tobias: Extension request pending. - New hardware call (Alastair) What would we look for? Extension of Gen-Z Power-10 Inception Possibly FPGA. - Performance analysis (Tobias) Gap in RSE training. What we would like to have here. Happy to host series of performance analysis workshops in Durham. A new thing/skill gap/knowledge gap is how raw performance data is mapped onto algorithms. So, aim to do some performance analysis workshops, and organise a workshop about how to map onto algorithms, and how this should inform development of codes.   - Hydro weak-scaling (Edo) Swift openMPI tests on cosma6. To try on cosma7 and cosma8. Will try testing a 3d model on the AMD chips. Will try using vtune.   - RDMA updates (Peter) Some dev from Intel fixing the mpi implementation, using ucx as a backend. Have been playing around with this to see whether it works - it does up to a certain level, and there are tuning parameters related to the fabric which can help. Seems to be a bit faster than the previous libfabric-based version. Seems to be an adjunct rather than a replacement of libfabric. Can now start recommending 2020-update2. Probably some parameters to stick into the module file, esp for cosma6. Problems of jitter in the MPI backend still remain. RDMA tests - allowing too much work to be done by CPUs, so perhaps not a fair test, now working on only using 2 cores. Seems to be about as fast as MPI, slower than the full 16 thread version. This points to contention within the library. To investigate - lock-free version of the library. Contention becomes more a problem with more cores. - Individual workpackage update [all] No progress here.   - Others/AOB? Stephen - multiphysics/coupling codes - links between different excalibur projects. Dave - Isambard - hardware update starting today, doubling arm nodes and installing fujitsu afx64 nodes. No meeting in 2 weeks - email updates only. Full meeting in 4 weeks.