Present: Ali, Abouzied, Stephen, George, Tobias, Peter, Ben. Stephen, George, Ben chatting about PAX work packages - how relates to cross cutting code project. Code coupling part doesn't happen until end of year 2, meant to be stfc, manc, durham, 9 months. Howver stfc don't get any money. Unclear what manc, durham going to be doing in this part of the project. Also seems to be out of place in terms of overall project development. and doesn't work well in terms of the code coupling project. But ccp don't have any funds for coupling sph. Not explicit that these funds exist. Would like to bring forward in the project, a spare 3 months. 9 months allocated to it in pax hpc. In gantt chart, task 3.8, only 6 months fitted in, so a 3 month spare. Make it useful for pax hpc and ccp. Possibly move this forward by a year. There is a practical bit of work that can be done straight away. A real usacase for having a hetrogeneous project. A coupled framework that weve already developed combined with dualsphysics. In pax hpc, 9 months, split 3 months stfc dur manc. At the moment have a working coupling between Pheonix FEA and openFoam. Done this using one of the couplig libraries mentioned in the ccp. And coupled sphflow to another commercial fea solver. A way of usefully coupling. A software dev problem. How do we make this interact well given dualsphysics is a single gpu code. Writing a donor library, then interfacing it. Revisit this decision every 2 weeks, wait for Richard to return, or make a decision. Could be done late 2022, or early 2023. Updates Abouzied Mostly working on fellowship proposal. Peter Still working on business of working out what the tasks are getting up to and why not running at certain times. Nice plots. Ben, Richard and Matthieu - paper attached to this project giving general info - finally published online in ieee journal. Really giving some publicity to the project. Should we also announce this project to an abstract in the spheric workshops. Next one in June. Abstracts due 11th Feb. Ben to lead on doing this.