Present: AB, David Acreman, Benedict Rogers, Tobias, Abouzied, Scott, Edo, Richard, Stephen, Tom, Actions: Action: email around working group meetings that are known about. Action: AGB Progress network company NDAs David - Done Benedict - awaiting on company Tom - still waiting - Hertfordshire side. Action: All - think up panel questions for the speakers. Closed: Action: Content for outreach website - Pablo Action: Richard/Stephen - email to advertise workshop   - General updates Workshop - Stephen will to the introducings in the morning. Ben will introduce 2 speakers in the afternoon, Stephen will introduce Ben. Ben to be a cohost. A few questions at the end of each talk - might overrun into the discussion session. Panel to have a few questions ready. - Cross cutting proposal (Tobias) Plan to hand in 1 proposal on tasking. Training element. Propose to switch dev cycle, work towards data driven code design - finger print of code first, small simulator. Whether could run in theory. Investigate what tasking doesn't provide, and future tasking generations. Would like to share tasks bewteen mpi rings automatically. GPU and accelerator compilation. Redundant calculations. Deadline is end next week. Need to discuss how to collaborate with other themes. Load balancing inbetween mpi ranks. Parallel-in-time proposal - need to be careful with deliverables - funding is done by delivering deliverables beaurocratically. Some mathematical bridges to other use cases. EPSRC cross-cutting stuff is imminent. Request to provide reviews by researchfish - Richard has put in a template. - Contracts (Richard) Leiden have now signed, will be sending off later.   - Hydro weak-scaling (Edo) Investigating network noise.   - RDMA updates (Peter) Data correctness of previous solution- not doing all the tasks it should be doing. So missing tasks. Hydro doesn't work because of various checks, because the data wasn't there. Some of the gains may still be there though. Need to try avoiding memory movement - and look more at shared memory models. - GPU update (Abouzied) Will be trying looking over particles not cells. Stephen - any scope for a nested version, over the cells, then internally over the particles. Will look at nesting kernel calls. - Individual workpackage update [all] - Training (Tobias?) - Outreach (?)   - Others/AOB?