Present: Alastair, David Acreman, Richard Bower, Benedict, Rogers, Peter Draper, Tobias Weinzierl, Tom De Vuyst, Jonathan Frawley, Stephen Longshaw, George Fourtakas, Abouzied Nasar. - Actions Action: email around working group meetings that are known about. Action: Richard Set up coordination between working groups - haven't found a way to do this yet. Action: Richard Swift training day in January - sponsor the next sph-sig meeting and make it exascale ambition. Get Carlos to talk on astrophys side, someone from eng side, and possibly someone from met office. Next level of ambition. From eng perspective, could try eng companies. Benedict can approach some of their sponsors. Where would we like to be in 5-10 years time. Scope out what we would imagine being able to do on an excalibur-like system. Someone to give an overview of hardware likely to come online. Perhaps Simon McIntosh Smith. Mid-late Feb. Possibly 24th. Offer to hold the training sessions after the talks, but get people to express interest in advance. Longshaw mail list to be used. Tom and Ben to talk to industry contacts. Stephen to send something to Lee Lapworth at Rolls Royce. Action: AGB prompt Olly Perks at Arm. Action: AGB to set up NDA with networking company. - General updates New PoC with networking company. - Contracts (Richard) All should have received Katie's email about the contracts. Waiting to hear from Hertfordshire. And Leiden. And LJMU. Sent just before Christmas. Commercial partners - need to hear from arm. AGB to prompt Olly Perks. Katie pushing for 15th Jan. - Hydro weak-scaling (Edo) - RDMA updates (Peter) Runs about as fast as MPI. Struggling to understand what has gone wrong. All enhancements in place, but still somewhat slower than expected. Some possibilities, problem is probably in swift. Suggestion - add a global dependency on all the timing tasks. - GPU update (Abouzied) Nothing to update. - Individual workpackage update [all] David - hoping to have a student working on this for a masters project, but he has got a job instead. So need to get back to doing stuff. Blended delivery of a module this term, so will have to delay until later. Thing to look at is caching of mpi call, grav-only calc, cache bits of the tree. Fast running particles don't do the long range calc. Helps for gravity but not hydro. Richard - Rudigar Pakemore has solved asynchronous timesteps. But not for hydro. Can do this in arepo, but not exact. Need to be able to write down the hamiltonian of the system. Dave - different ways of thinking about this. eg split into linear and non-linear operator. - Training (Tobias?) Starting perf anal workshop - >60 people signed up. Jonathan leading swift in this. - Outreach (?) Action - Content for website - - Others/AOB?